
There’s something special about family.

I remember growing up in Mangere Bridge between the 80s & 90s with my siblings Samuel and Melissa. We grew up on a market garden, a big expanse that is now the home of Countdown Auckland’s operations.

We lived in a modest home, simple furnishings in amongst the momentous changes New Zealand experienced at that time.

But there was one thing that didn’t change in our home.

The kitchen.

It was there that my story starts.

My early experiences from that kitchen were flavoursome smells wafting into the bedroom and living room, moving me from the television advertisements of American fast food. They were tummy-enticing smells, much better than that junk food.

Over the table, mum would have deep conversations and pass her knowledge over food, talking about her life growing up in Hong Kong, a life without the distractions of modern living.

My aunties and uncles and cousins would come over and sit around the dining table sharing conversations and laughter over food.

All my cousins would say “Aunty Mei you’re the best cook in the world.”

My Mum (Mei-Sue) had a knack of bringing her family together with good food.

We all loved it.

Aunty Mei would cook things that others could only dream of - Soup, broths, wontons, marinated beef sizzling over rice, tomatoes & egg, roast meat & sweet desserts.

Made with love and shared to many.

Like any young man, I moved out of home and quickly became embroiled in western living with all its trimmings.

But there was also a downside.

I developed skin and health issues.

My mum’s soups came to the rescue, and I was all well again.

After returning from Hong Kong, I wanted to explore a career as a nutritionist and developed a fine interest in what food was good for me and what wasn’t.

To help my clients.

I discovered the health benefits of my mother’s cooking.

I remember Mum would make soups and would always tell us the health benefits of cleansing & balancing the body.

While I didn’t pursue a career as a nutritionist, I did explore the science of food and the benefits of blended western and Asian cooking.

This restaurant is the culmination of that experience, together with the head chef.

A restaurant where you can bring your family and friends and enjoy time together over good food.

An Aunty Mei inspired kitchen, made with love, and shared to many.

Aunty Mei's Hong Kong Fusion Kitchen promises to bring families, children, community of all backgrounds together to share stories laughter over delicious food, just like how we grew up around our kitchen.

Daniel (Son)

We love you mum!




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